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Despite our focus on a “DIY” and very personal wedding aesthetic, there were some amazing people who helped us create this event that we would like to give a post wedding shout out to.

First of all, the GrooveBomb. Andy, you are the BOMB and you made our bachelor party a night to remember. The Groovebomb rents out for parties and events all year (except when its at BurningMan). You should totally check it out for your next landmark birthday blowout.

Next, Owen Carey, who’s beautiful photos are coming soon. I have worked with Owen for almost a decade- he is an extraordinary theatrical and special events photographer. He also does headshots, family portraits and some weddings. If you need a professional photo of you that really looks like you, only better, he’s the guy you want.

Laura Widener (aka PastryGirl), who was the former pastry chef at Higgins and at SouthPark (and who is also an amazing stage manager) made all of the mini cupcakes for the wedding, and she loves creative and unusual flavor combinations. She also does full-on wedding cakes that are extraordinary. I’ve eaten her cakes at at least 6 different weddings and every one has been (almost) too pretty to eat.

Need something tailored and don’t have a friend in Vietnam to give you a helping hand? We really like the service we got at the European Master Tailor. For bespoke suits made here in Portland, we don’t think you can do better than Seyta at Duchess.

And if you are looking for your own fairlyand forest spot to get married, we can’t recommend Horning’s Hideout highly enough. It was beautiful, very reasonable, Bob was GREAT to work with and, as you can see from the pictures, the spot just has tons of great “scope for the imagination.”

Rocks. Oh, the rocks. We got our river rocks for our placecards/favors from these guys, and they were an absolute hoot. They also have a geologist’s wonderland of landscaping rocks, from honest to god thundereggs and petrified wood to all different kinds of slate, shale, etc.

Raspberries came from the “you-pick” place out at Sauvie Island Farms– they were great, just check to see what’s ripe and blooming before you head out there!

Seafood for the Ahi stacks and the butter fish came from the folks at Pacific Seafood Company. Super fresh and really great.

Gales Meadow Farm provided gobs of organic greens and other veggies for the salad, and Rene and Annie are just exactly the kind of local organic farmer folk we felt proud to support.

And the crackers to accompany the cheese “wedding cake” were arranged by Hollyanna’s dad’s partner Robert, who reps for 34 Degrees. I especially love the black pepper ones and the rosemary ones. They paired so well with the Morbier! I don’t think I can ever go back to stupid Carr’s water crackers after my transformative 34 Degrees experience.

Those awesome peacock earrings came from Redux, my favorite accessories place in Portland, right across from the Doug Fir on Burnside.

The wedding rings came from the Titanium Knights (god I love Etsy!)

And last, but by no means least, Flora Bowley, who painted this amazing image of our day:

wedding painting

You can check out some of her other work or contact her about creating a work of art to commemorate your special day at her website.

Flora, the artist who will be painting our wedding painting (not a portrait, but a painting inspired by the wedding day and its environment that will end up looking something like this):


has asked that we let everyone know that, if you’ve been thinking of helping contribute to the cost of the painting as your wedding gift, she would love it if you would go ahead and contact her so that she can arrange details with you. All the details on how to contribute to the painting and her contact information are available right here– check it out and let her know.

After you connect with her, get inspired by some of her other work here.

Following up on an earlier post about Flora, our friend who will create a painting on our wedding day…something like this:


Flora said that if you were interested in contributing to the cost of her commission as your wedding present to us, you should just email her at to get her paypal information, or an address to send a check. Easy! She’ll help track all of that, and we’ll tuck something special into the back of the painting so that we’ll always remember whose gift it was- Yours!

We’ve engaged our good friend Flora Bowley, an absolutely amazing painter, to create a commissioned painting for our wedding day. She did this for some other friends, Rachel and Tyson, and the result was absolutely gorgeous.

This is Flora:s1345546648_30108705_3574 (her fiance Lane teaches capuiera and she is an amazing contact improv and yoga practitioner)

Oh. Sorry. Here she is right side up.

And these are some of the amazing pieces she has created.


Her work is abstracted, but heavily based on natural forms. You see a lot of leaves and pods, gorgeous flowers peeking in and out of the depths. Occasionally a word or two surfaces, speaking to the mood of the moment of its creation.


It’s very layered work. Literally. When staring at one of her pieces you get constant glimpses of the painting that lies beneath the painting you are looking at, going back and back, and others nearly completely obscured. Its an endless source of mystery and contemplation.


You can look at more of her work at her website.

For a while, we were “storing” one of Flora’s pieces on our wall while Morgan’s sister Kira was off on a trip, and I’ll never forget the first time that I wandered into the living room to discover Parker (our roommate Holly’s 8 year old son) perched on the edge of the couch just staring at the piece. He’d cock his head slightly when he noticed something new, and I think I watched him for a solid two minutes and he never moved a muscle. He was totally engrossed.

Her work is incredibly special. We can’t wait for you to see it.

Our friends Tyson and Rachel had her come to their wedding and set up a canvas on an easel and paint throughout the wedding. It was so much fun to stop by her little station in the grass and watch the painting take shape, incorporating details of their wedding, including the candles they used and the pair of swans that swam in the lake nearby. After the wedding she took the piece home and completed it before presenting it to them. And now it hangs on their wall in their media room- looking gorgeous and reminding them of their day.

We, along with a group of their friends, contributed to the commission cost of the painting as our wedding gift to Rachel and Tyson and it felt great- contributing to one friend in order to gift another pair of friends a work of art they will cherish throughout their lives.

So, when people started asking us about registries and showers and stuff like that we discovered that we didn’t really want dishes or pots and pans…we’ve arrived at an age where we’ve already collected most of the exact right sort of things that we want for right now.

But we would want something truly unique and special to commemorate our day and our marriage. Something that would grace every home we ever lived in.

So if you would like to contribute to Flora’s commission for our wedding painting, we think that would be lovely. We’ll sort out details for that in a bit.

Either way, we hope you’ll enjoy the opportunity to watch this amazing artist capture our special day in a whole new way.