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Welcome to Morgan and Trisha’s wedding blog. This will be a space to post key info that you’ll need for our wedding (maps, links, party info) as well as a place to share our ideas and inspirations for creating a meaningful wedding and a fun and fulfilling marraige.

Speaking of inspiration, why peacock wedding? Well, it turns out that the location we found for our wedding (thanks to Kira’s boyfriend Chris!) is a hundred or so acres of private woodland canyon that hasĀ  a dozens of peacocks on the property. Since both Morgan and I love peacock colors, it seemed a natural fit. Peacock feathers always make me think of beaux arts and 1930s bohemia, which are also pretty good descriptions of how we like to make our way through life…so…. it just seemed to make sense somehow.

We hope you’ll use this blog as a place to keep up to date on the information you need to know about the wedding as it develops. We also hope that you’ll use it as a place to share your own thoughts about weddings and inspirations for how to create a beautiful life together (and start that life together with a bang).

Thanks for participating in this journey we’re on. Morgan and I feel incredibly blessed to know you and count you among the people who make our life amazing.