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After in depth conversations with all involved, trying to balance the advantages of custom with the cost effiiciencies of department store stuff, here’s the new plan (and I apologize for any of you reading this who are completely disinterested in the fine detail of fitting 6 very different women into the one workable dress… there will be more fun posts about music and food later, I swear).

Anyway, everyone likes a dress that basicly looks like this:

Wrap top, sash belt, knee length, a-line, with a chiffon overlay and a silky underlayer that peeks through. My sister would prefer an empire waist, which is totally doable and may work better for Holly and Nina too.

And, if we can get our act together fast enough, the really wonderful news is that Kira can potentially get this dress custom made for us in Vietnam for a very very reasonable price (like, under $100).

Which would be totally and completely awesome, since it would accomodate my general preference for something custom and handmade over department store while still keeping the price down to reasonable levels in these crazy economic times.

Yes, I’m outsourcing. But to a very nice little Vietnamese lady (gentleman? Kira didn’t specify) who will be utterly delighted to do the work. And at the price we’ll pay, if it genuinely doesn’t end up being one of those dresses that people can “definitely wear again,” it won’t matter as much.

The caveat: Kira won’t be staying in the town too much longer so we’ll have to really get a move on getting everyone measured if we want this plan to work out.

Keep your fingers and toes crossed that it does. Its 8 am over there now, and I’m sure that Kira is just waking up to an incredibly long, TMI email from me right now (sorry Kira!).

Here’s to hoping it all comes together!